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International accredited

All practical NIMA  programs are international accrdited by European Marketing Confederation and EQF-NLQF.

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Online offered

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Experienced trainers

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Individual supervision

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About our programs

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NIMA-A Online Marketer

The NIMA-A Online Marketer program is perfect for anyone who wants to lay a solid foundation in online marketing. You broaden your knowledge about online marketing and online marketing instruments. After following this training you will be well trained to get started as an online marketer.

Content of the program:
The program consists of the following modules:
1.Introduction to online marketing
2.Search engine marketing
3.Online advertising
4.Social media
5.Email Marketing
6.Online CRM
7.Content Marketing 

To get the international accredited and recognized NIMA-A online marketing, candidates should pass a theoretical exam of 90 minutes and a practical exam in which they present and defend several practical assignments.

 Characteristics  of the programs

Quality guaranteed

We are aware that our project takes place under exceptional circumstances. The Ukrainian people are suffering from war; people fled to other countries and live under circumstances of high uncertainty. Families are separated.

Our participants live temporary in different European countries. Most of our trainers are still in Ukraine with all risks and uncertainty related to war.
Usually, the NIMA programs in Ukraine are offered based in a classroom-based format.
This means that under the current circumstances we have to adapt the format in which the courses are offered. The whole program, including the examination, will be offered online, not the format we prefer.

There is one thing we never do concessions in: the quality of our graduates. Everybody who wants to pass the exams, should meet the same standards as described in the examination requirements.
It represents the value of the diploma and it is a guarantee for everybody who has one of the NIMA-diplomas and for organizations who hire NIMA graduates.


Contact us when you are interested to participate

Please let us know if you have questions or when you want to apply for one of the programs!

Send your message in English.